Design Tip: How to Pick the Perfect Rug Size
I love adding area rugs to spaces I design. Nothing seems to ground a room quiet like an area rug. Aside from the practical considerations, like absorbing sound and making a room more comfortable. Area rugs are a great way to add texture, colour and depth to a space.
But all too often I see people choosing the wrong sized rug. A simple oversight that results in a room feeling off, no matter what else you do. In today’s design tip, I’ve put together a set of simple rules to ensure you’ll always choose the perfect sized rug for your space.
When it comes to placing rugs in bedrooms, there are only two configurations I like to use. The first is a set of runners on either side of the bed. The runners don’t have to run the entire length of the bed, but aim for at least 2/3. Depending on the length of the runner, I like to leave at least 6″ between the start of the runner and the night stand. And lastly make sure there is at least 10-12″ between the edge of the runner and any walls.
The second configuration has a large area rug more or less centered under the bed. In this case I like to leave a bit more space between the start of the rug and the night stands, closer to 12″. I also like to make sure the rug extends beyond the bed by at least 18″, more if you want to add a bench at the foot of the bed. Again you want to make sure there is at least 10-12″ between the edge of the rug and any walls.
Choosing living room rugs is a little easier, there are only two things to remember. First, either all of the furniture in the arrangement should be on the rug or at the very least the front legs of every piece furniture. And second, since living rooms tend to be larger than bedrooms, I like to make sure there is more room around the perimeter of the rug, at least 18″.
Choosing a dining room rug size is the easiest of them all. There’s just one thing to remember, make sure that all the chairs remain on the rug at all times, even when they’re pulled out. You can usually calculate this fairly easily by adding 24″ to the dining table measurement on all sides.
Christine Philcox
December 4, 2020 12:03 amThat was so extremely helpful! So easy to understand. Thank you!