
Neelam Interiors / Tips and Tricks  / Decorating for Spring

Decorating for Spring


Eeeep!  Spring is in the air!  Having lived in Calgary for the last 10 years I know better than to expect Spring’s arrival simply because the calendar says so, but I dare say this year we may actually experience spring on time!  I spied tiny little green buds breaking through on the trees in my neighborhood the other day, which can mean only one thing – it’s time to talk decorating for spring!

This is definitely one of my favorite times of year, I simply love the freshness, newness and lightness of the season – three things I like to bring into my decor at this time of year as well!

Nothing says spring like fresh flowers!  Whether it’s bouquets of freshly cut wild flowers, pretty potted plants, or my personal favorite tulips, there is no better way to welcome spring into your space.

This is also the perfect time to switch out heavy bedding and throws in favour of lighter linens in fresh spring colours.

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Nothing ushers in a senses of newness in a space like a fresh coat of paint.  Spring is the perfect time to tackle a painting project, the days are longer and temps are milder allowing windows to be kept open.  So take the plunge and paint that feature wall, the entire room or why not change up the colour of your front door!  There’s no shortage of ways to brighten up a space with a simple can of paint.

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Spring cleaning is obvious – use the energy of the season to organize and clean out closets, drawers and cupboards.  Donate and recycle what you don’t need, re-organize and maybe re-purpose what remains.  You never know, that tired side table may make the perfect bed side table in a guest room.  Be creative, change things up and have fun!

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With summers being so short in this part of the world, now’s the perfect time to make a plan for your backyard.  Begin by sprucing it up, then figure out what may need to be done, replaced or fixed. That way when temps are warm enough to enjoy the outdoors, you’re ready to go!

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